Just a quick question, are they looking at a contained classroom for him or is he going to be regular ed with supports? I have an OT friend who works in the Peoria district and really likes it and thinks most of the schools are good. Have you visited the classrooms that are options for you? I know in the districts I have worked in (I am a contract PT for the schools), different schools in the district house the different programs from the "Autistic" classrooms to the MD classrooms. Now a days most contained classrooms are cross categorical in otherwords many types of children are in one classroom and this is generally a good thing. I will let you know that many districts are not doing variances for out of district special needs students now that budget cuts are getting so severe. If you do not like the classroom they are considering, you can look at other options, but this is a team decision. Read that huge packet of papers they give you every year. It gives you your rights as a parent and remember you are part of the team that makes those decisions.