I have to agree wholeheartedly with what Allison said below. My daughter refused the bottle, and believe me, we tried everything. I spent hours on the internet looking for help, I talked to her doctor, I bought almost every bottle and nipple on the market and spent loads of money, all to no avail. She just would not take the bottle, no matter who offered it to her. We put so much time and effort into trying to make her take that bottle, and it was such a struggle that it just wasn't worth it. However, we made things work with just the breastfeeding. I wasn't working and wasn't going anywhere, so I was able to stay with her or take her with me when I went out. Yes, I would have had more time to get out and do things on my own if she took the bottle, but the months went by quickly and before I knew it she was drinking from a sippy cup. So my advice is to not stress too much about it and know that you will be able to make it work even if he never takes the bottle. Enjoy all your bonding time with him. (I also have to mention that whenever I read posts like this one I've just written I would feel upset and think that there MUST be a way to get the baby to take the bottle, so I feel kind of bad for suggesting that he might always refuse it, but sometimes the baby has plans his own!) Good luck and take care.