I had tons of cramping in my last trimesters, all three times, and even before. It doesn't necessarily mean anything in particular, other than you're probably overdoing it and putting strain on yourself and possibly your baby. I also lost my mucus plug a week and a half before my daughter (3rd baby) was born. That didn't mean much either. Honey, slow down a little!
If this is your first baby, they could take a while, trust me. I was my mom's first, and I was three weeks late. Of course, OBs these days don't generally let you go that long, but since you're only 35 weeks now, you could have a ways to go. I remember with my first, I couldn't wait, and my doc recommended all these natural labor inducers. My next two OBGYNs informed me that there is no such thing. There's no harm in trying, as long as you're not putting undue strain on your body and baby, but there's no evidence anything short of chemical inducement - including walking - will expedite your daughter's birth. And you really don't want her out until she's ready. Relax, and enjoy the miracle of pregnancy. When your HEALTHY baby girl lies gurgling in your arms, you'll be glad you were patient.
~ R.