Try parents.com or preganancy weekly.com
I'm sure we all have heard at our childrens check-ups that they are in the x percentile for height and x percentile for weight. Does anyone know if there is a chart online somewhere that one can look at? I am asking for both myself and my sister.
Thank you everyone for the links. I just checked them out and found what I was looking for.
Try parents.com or preganancy weekly.com
I just checked out the two links below and they both put my son much lower on the chart than what either the ped or pulmonologist chart him at. He was just in today, so I had accurate info, and weight it an issue, so we always discuss percentages. I'm sorry I don't have a better recommendation, but our doctors have always given us a copy when we asked. Even if they just print it from the chart, it's always been helpful.
Here is a site that breaks it down by age and sex.
Hi K.,
My daughter's pediatrician recommended, mypyramid.gov
Kind Regards,
just click on the chart you want to see!
You might try WebMD. They might have what you are looking for.
C. B