I am not sure how your Head start program compares to the one that I have in my area, but I am/was completely pleased with the services that ours provides. I had my now 6 yr old DD there 2 years ago and my DS will be starting this fall. I really like the program because they aren't totally devoted to academics (although they do that)....they also help the children adjust socially. They provide (at least here) 2 meals and the children are encouraged to try new foods and practice using their manners at the table. They get to help set a table and clear their dishes. They also bring in dentists and eye doctors to help screen the children. Our kids were encouraged and even taught how to brush their teeth correctly and practiced it every day. I know that this is a great program for the kids who wouldn't normally be able to attend a regular preschool because of costs. As my DS is 4 and going to be headed to kindergarten next year, this is a great way for him to get a jump on what to expect from school. Good luck in making your decision.