I can't tell you what you should do, but can give you some insight.
I have 4 kids:
The oldest will be 9 this month. I was 27 when I had him.
The next is 5 (3.5 years from #1). I was 31 when I had him.
The next is 3 (22 months from #2). I was barely 33 when I had her.
The last is 4 months (3 years from #3). I was 36 when I had him.
I can tell you that my body is tired. My pregnancy (8# 12oz homebirth) was a breeze at 27 and I still did really well with the 4th pregnancy (11# homebirth), but it doesn't get any easier. I got pregnant with #1 early in our marriage and wasn't ready. Then, I used progesterone cream with #2 to get pregnant, since nothing was happening. #3 was sort of planned. #4 - I got pregnant the day after my period ended. Go figure.
Don't stress over it. You will know. It appears that you are faithful, so pray about it and you'll know when the time is right. I wanted my kids 22 months apart....but when we got there with getting pregnant with #2, I was not ready for a LONG time. Then we got pregnant, unexpectedly with #3 and she was 22 months from the last one. Everything happens the way it should.
I tell moms that 18 is the perfect physical age to have a baby and 45 is the perfect emotional age...so somewhere in between is probably a good balance. LOL
Breathe. Trust. Enjoy your newborn.