Yes, my son who has Autism has gone through a speech therapist for eating as well as an Occupational Therapist. As far as what they do at an eval sort of depends on the clinic and their specific practices they specialize in. For my son, one clinic who had the OT's deal with feeding issues took me and my son in a room, sat him at a table and gave him one food at a time, just to see how he'd react to it and then they'd log his reaction. Whether he pushed it away, started to cry, picked it up, etc.... When we started going to a new clinic where SLP's were in charge of feeding, they actually had me bring food he would eat so they could see if there were oral motor issues such as an enlarged tongue, poor muscle control, tongue confusion etc... My son suffers with oral sensory issues so it's taken 3 attempts at a feeding specialist to help us but we've come a long way:)