Start here: www.laughyourway.com
They have a 4 DVD Marriage set that is fantastic! We have been to marriage counselors, semingars, weekend couples retreats and NONE of them was this helpful. Instead, we came away with bad advice, feeling guilty, pointing blame, etc. Who needs more of that? Spend $50 bucks and watch the DVDs. You will laugh (better than crying and fighting, don't you think?) and find many solutions to issues that tear marriages apart. AND you can do all of this in the privacy of your own home where you can speak freely and not feel the need to move to a new town afterwards. There are clip on You Tube to get a feel for the presentation. It has best been described as a marriage seminar for people who HATE marriage seminars! Don't underestimate the value of the information, however. This is real good useful stuff.
There is a conference coming to the Dallas area (Keller, I think?) in February if you want to see it live. More info at the site.
PS. Jan 31st we celebrate our 20th Anniversary! It has not been easy - but it HAS been worth it! Good luck and hang in there.