Has Anyone Heard of Inspiranza Designs or Aurastella? Need Advice...

Updated on August 21, 2010
A.S. asks from Lombard, IL
4 answers

Has anyone heard of Inspiranza Designs or Aurastella? I was trying to make a decision about which business to join and before I do, I wanted to get some feedback from current and previous consultants. What are the pros and cons? Any bad experiences? I just don’t want any hidden “turn-offs” to arise AFTER joining. It’s my first time starting and I don’t want to be easily persuading or naive. Any info you can give will help. Thanks so much! You all are the best!!

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answers from Boston on

Hey there,
ID Rep here...we are a Christian and mission based company with high quality .925 sterling...we are a debt free company...we have the best hostess program, I've looked into them all!!! I've personally been selling jewelry for over 5 years, very successfully and I beleive we have the best business opportunity in the jewelry direct selling industry. If you would like some additional information check out my website www.Myinspiranza.com/R. you can contact me there if you would like me to send you a no obligation business opportunity packet, I would be more than happy to drop one in the mail:) I love selling jewelry its a great concept, very lucrative and a lot of fun. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me again! Smiles!!!!



answers from Chicago on

Look up Latasia.com .......I know they are a great company, great money, no hidden costs, and a full line of everyday jewelry along with designer sleepwear and they are the only ones with a full bridal and special occasion line............. with a lifetime guarantee....... any questions let me know!!!!



answers from Chicago on

If you are really into jewelry then this might be an option for you, otherwise if you just want to start a fulfilling business, there are other options available. I am associated with this business for about 4 years now and love it. The joining fee is very small and products are great. Above all, you don't have to host parties and sell stuff. Contact me if it sounds interesting or need more details. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

I am curious too - what type of companies - what type of work?


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