Hi L.,
I did it! And I did it at home. My son was born after a 40 (!) hour labor, in the presence of saintly midwives. He was immediatly placed in my arms and allowed to be there as long as we wanted. My midwives stayed by our side (and even did the laundry) while he nursed and when we are all ready, they weighed him and all that stuff. My daughter was born via a knife and I didn't get to see her for 5 hours, not that there was anything wrong with her.
Don't let people scare you. The risks to you from repeat C-section FAR outweigh the risk of uterine rupture when you meet certain criteria. If it has been 4 years since your C-section, you have a low transverse incision and a double layer uterine suture, and you are under the age of 35, you will be fine! You cannot use pitocin, but then pit is the reason for a great many unnecessary c-sections in America.
My OB was the one who encouraged me to do it. He said that he used to VBAC as a matter of policy and had never had any troubles. He insisted that it was the safest thing to do. He also said that in 1995 SA there was a doc who went out to lunch while a laboring mom (on pit) had a uterine rupture. Since then, insurance companies will not allow docs to do it. He encouraged me to find someone who could assist the birth, even if it was to be at home.
Check out the ican.org website, read The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer, watch The Buisness of Being Born. The book by Goer is just statistical analysis of birthing interventions and it very strongly makes the case for staying away from hospital interventions whenever possible. The US has one of the worst newborn mortality rates in the developed world because of unnecessary medical intervention.
You were born capable of this and I completely encourage you to go for it!
There are some fantastic birthing reasources in San Antonio. Bud to Bloom offers Birthing From Within classes which which really helped me processes some of my feelings and fears about nat. birth after c-section. Alisa Voss was my midwife, and she's the most incredible woman I've ever met.
If you are from SA and you are interested in additional resources, please PM me.