Hi A.,
I had a sub-chorionic hematoma with my youngest son (now 14 months). It was also early in the pregnancy - about 6 or 7 weeks. I knew I was pregnant from having a positive home test, but hadn't been to the OB for my 8 week appointment yet. I started bleeding, and rushed to my OB's office. They did an ultrasound and pregnancy test, which confirmed that I was still pregnant. Even more reassuring, we were able to see my baby's heartbeat, which was strong and normal. I was not put on bedrest, but was recommended to restrict activity (which is hard with a toddler, I know!). My OB seemed a bit guarded about my condition until I made it to the 12 week mark, but everything was just fine in the end. I recall having a follow-up ultrasound before the 20 week scan, just to check the status of the hematoma (which had healed by that point). My little guy just wanted some extra attention - and he got it!
I felt blissfully ignorant during my first pregnancy, so it was quite jolting to receive such news so early on in my second pregnancy! It was scary to think that something was wrong this time around. After seeing my baby's heartbeat that first time, and being reassured at every other visit by listening to his heart, I knew everything would be okay.
Best of luck to you. Relax as much as you can ;o)