Hi Paola,
I consulted with Vivian when my son was 11 mos and stopped napping. When I called to set up an appointment and told her what was happening, she could tell right away what we were doing wrong. She told me what to do and refused to charge me because it was such an easy problem for her to address. The first time we followed her advice it worked like a charm. And, to address a previous poster's comments, there was no crying, so I'm assuming her methods didn't cause any "brain damage." Man. How many ways can we find to make mothers feel guilty? Here is a link to a Google thread that cites and summarizes much of the scientific literature on CIO, both positive and negative:
This discussion should give you a sense of how studies can be and have been distorted to support certain views (on both sides) and how many poorly constructed studies are cited as proof, again, I'm sure, on both sides of the argument. Anyway, the friend who recommended Vivian to us had worked with her to transition her daughter from co-sleeping to a crib. Our pediatrician's office also recommended Vivian. Anyway, I don't see how it can hurt to give her a call. I hope your son sleeps through the night soon so that you can get some rest!