Don't sweat the little things......enjoy the crumbs when your kids are eating a snack. The kids grow faster than you think and before long they will be gone and so will the crumbs, but will the kids remember you sweeping 600 times a day or do they remember you hanging out around the table making crumbs with them. Saying I love you to the kids is important, but showing it, is more of a value to them for the rest of their life and it will even benefit you.
I used to be a perfectionist and my whole family was suffering. I no longer sweat the little things and that's when one day I found my husband mopping the filthy floor, because he figured that the last (however many they were) days I didn't have time to do it. (He's a true GEM!)
I still try to keep a place for everything and put things back in their designated places and are instilling this in the kids (my husband already got the hang of this as we were married for 5 years before baby #1 came around). As the kids grow they are helping with the keep up, by putting things back in their places.
Now, my oldest, who will be a teen in May treats me as her best friend, because I have taken time to enjoy the kids. I had a lot of interaction with the kids for a while as I was home schooling (oldest for 7 years and youngest for 2 years) but when the kids are home after school now I am done with as much of my work as possible so they can get help with the homework and the subjects that they are weaker in.
Your children are more important than the crumbs, but for when the crumbs need to be cleaned up I suggest a DustBuster or a Swiffer Sweaper. Just leave for when you need to touch up and you can put it away in it's place when you're done for the day. In my life I think hauling cleaning supplies back and forth is the big irritation rather than the crumbs.
Good Luck and give your kids a hug for making crumbs for you to clean up.