Hannah Montana - Jay,OK

Updated on June 17, 2010
E.C. asks from Jay, OK
12 answers

Ok Im the first to admit I love watching the show Hannah Montana.......Silly I know just wondering if any of you moms like it too?

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answers from Birmingham on

The Hannah Montana series is good to show a loving dad and shows respect between he and his daughter. There's no blood and violence to worry about .. yea! Enjoy!

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answers from Fresno on

Guilty here, LOL. It does remind me too of my teen years.



answers from Jackson on

Yes...It's a mom and daughter thing...LOL


answers from New York on

Yes we like to watch it too. My mom even got into watching it too. My daughter is 2 and she sings Best of both worlds. My husband listens to metal music but learned the song so that he can sing it with her. She also knows that her name is Miley. Too bad that this is the last season.


answers from Fort Smith on

My husband & I both enjoy watching her show. My husband is the one that got us started b/c he'd rather watch it than cartoons. We all loved her movie too. We did make the mistake of going to a concert & it wasn't good b/c her attitude & clothing wasn't good for a 5 year old to see. So we just watch her shows now.



answers from Dallas on

I get sucked into it when my boys, yes boys (9 & 12), watch it! That, iCarly & Wizards of Waverly Place too :)



answers from Chicago on

I watch it with my girls. My 2 yr old likes it too. I really don't see anything wrong with the show. True, Miley Cyrus has made what I consider to be bad decisions and I do think the media blows things up to make them worse but really everyone--including us regular joes--make mistakes.



answers from Provo on

I like it too! I also like her music. :) I think it's all innocent and reminds me of when I was a teenager. :)



answers from New York on

I wouldn't really say that I like it (some episodes are very good), but it's one of the shows that I can watch with my daughter without getting bored. I also haven't seen anything unappropriate in the episodes that I've seen. I did enjoy the movie.


answers from Biloxi on

My son and I watch a lot of Disney shows together and we both enjoy them.
Though we may never admit it to our friends



answers from Oklahoma City on

I do! Along with Wizards of Wavely Place, Sonny with a Chance, Good Luck Charlie, Sweet Life On Deck, etc.



answers from San Francisco on

I love it also. Miley Cyrus is adorable on it, and I particularly like the kid who plays Jackson.

It's too bad Miley seems to be growing up a little too fast in real life.

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