Halloween Costumes - McKinney, TX

Updated on September 26, 2007
R. asks from McKinney, TX
9 answers

My husband and I were invited to a Halloween Party (for adults). We want our costumes to go together like a famous couple or something like that but have no ideas. We are not usually into the whole costume thing anyway so we really don't want to go buy a real costume (ex..nurse,doctor sort of thing...) Any ideas that we can do without having to buy costumes from the store??

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answers from Dallas on

My sister and her boyfriend were Fred and Wilma Flinstone. It was too cute! They used cheap sheets, some glued on felt pieces, and a little no sew glue to make the costumes, and looked great!

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answers from Dallas on

How about Thing 1 & Thing 2 from the Cat in the Hat. You could wear red sweat suits and get blue wigs. Pretty simple & cheap.



answers from Dallas on

OK, so this is kinda raunchy...my friend and her boyfriend were Mary and Matt Dillon's character (the architect) from the movie "Something about Mary". She had her bangs slicked up in the front like in the movie...lots and lots of hairspray. Her boyfriend went as the architect. He had the hawaiian shirt, rolled up papers, a mustache, big dark sunglasses, etc. It was hilarious!



answers from Dallas on

Go as a sweepstakes winner. You can dress up as the "housewife" robe and curlers. Your husband can be in the suit with balloons and a large check. We knew a couple that did this, It was really funny.
old SNL characters. My husband bought a mullet black wig and then put a ball cap on, black shirt and torn jeans and went as Wayne. I went as Mary Katherine Gallagher and just bought some black rim glasses as I had the plaid skirt and long socks. People loved it. You could dress up as Garth if you have light colored hair or buy a long blonde wig. What ever you decide have fun!


answers from Dallas on

Here's along list. Most things can be made at home and just get some simple accesorries.

Last year, my hubby was a Knight, I was a princess and our baby was a dragon.

We just used simple add ons and it turned out great.




answers from Dallas on

hue heffner and a bunny
thurston and mrs. h from gilligans island
or the professor and maryann
britney and kevin
sonny and cher
dr and a nurse
lennon and yoko



answers from Dallas on

OK, A lot of people may take offense to this but my husband and I went to a party at a hip bar as poor white trash. We won 3rd place and they announced our costume as winners on the radio. Put a black plastic bag over your head. (cut hole in end for head) Get white sticky letters and spell poor white trash on the front. Blacken a tooth with waterproof eyeliner. (dry tooth first) Wear gaudy houseslippers. Make your husbands hair look dirty and messy with a lot of hair product. You get the idea. Just make sure you don't go anywhere where their might be people that look like you that are not dressed up.



answers from Dallas on

Go to Costume World--it's on Alpha across from the Galleria. You can rent costumes there---really amazing costumes---you'll love it.



answers from Dallas on

oh my gosh!!! you girls are cracking me up!!!

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