I'm a hairstylist and this is totally normal and will regulate itself soon enough. If you notice major hair loss still in a year or so, then you can think about thyroid (though you will also have other symptoms).
i had me second baby about 4 months ago, im EBF and figured the rapid hair loss would go away soon like with my first. but its clumps at a time every second of the day- gross! i have curly hair so right there the hair gets tangled but now im brushing it daily which i never had to do before. i wondering if anyone else had this issue and if they have any nice advice. btw i stopped taking my prenatal vitamins a few months ago.
I'm a hairstylist and this is totally normal and will regulate itself soon enough. If you notice major hair loss still in a year or so, then you can think about thyroid (though you will also have other symptoms).
I had normal hair loss from 4-7 months postpartum. If you think that this might be more than the normal hair loss from your hormones changing, then you should definitely go for a physical. In my experience, I could not do much about the hair loss, but I got my hair cut shorter so the hair that was falling out was shorter which made it seem like less.
Please speak with your doctor about having your thyroid function checked. I, too, had a lot of problems with my hair falling out in clumps, along with many other symptoms (skin problems, heavy periods that went on for a long time, muscle weakness in general, muscle cramps, depression, irritability, headaches, fatigue). It took 6 YEARS to diagnose that I had low thyroid function because most of the symptoms I figured were just due to being a busy, working mom. Pregnancy can be very hard on your thyroid; it's worth speaking to your doctor and having some tests done to rule this out.
This is normal and it will stop on it's own. It's no fun, that's for sure!
Take good quality B complex supplement (not one from the store.)
I also had some hair loss after my second baby. My stylist said to continue taking my prenatal vitamins and it will stop the breakage.
You don't ask a question, so I won't feel obligated to repeat what everyone else has said. Except that it does sound hormonal.
I know that it's just a "btw", but you took special care to mention it so.... Did you replace your prenatal vitamins with other vitamins? If you are exclusively breast-feeding , you will certainly need that for both the baby and you. I am still taking my prenatal vitamins and had to up my dose from one to two daily. It might also help with the hormone imbalance that is affectign your hair.
After my second, I noticed my hair would fall out after I combed it. I believe I heard someone tell me it is common with hormonal changes. It should clear up once your hormones get back to normal. Do you have any other hormonal imbalances?