recently asked my 9-yr-old's oncologist about immunoglobulin. she said it's only given to the kids who have repeated infections w/immune systems at nearly zero (i.e., white blood cell functions & their various "counts."). I do believe immunoglobulin is a blood product, so always be careful w/ infusing other's blood, et. al. into one's system.
On the less scary side, in reading other posts of mom's who had similar phenomenon which passed over time, perhaps so did i way way back in the day - at age 12, some 35 years ago, my dad realized I was walking funny and it turned out indeed my leg was inexplicably paralyzed from the knee down, couldn't bend my foot, had to lift my entire leg to clear the foot from tripping me. I didn't have pain though, just numbness and paralysis. I was prescribed keeping the calf warm by wearing highttop boots for 6 months, plus warm whirlpools (the kind which attached to a bathtub) to get the circulation going. By the time I finally got to see a neurologist One of 2 in Michigan at the time, i.e., 8 months after my dad recognized my problem, the neuro pronounced healed enough, just keep doing the warmth and circulation treatments. The only diagnosis that great brain of science had was, "she must have sat on her leg wrong while watching TV." !!!! Well, there was no cable then, and I don't subscribe now. What an idiot.
Morale of the story: parents must advocate like dogs for their kids in the context of using their common sense and doing their own research. And of course, pray like heaven. Never dismiss the wisdom of old-school peds, especially in the face of specialists and upstart newbies who tend to scare the heck out of you due to their microcosmic &/or inexperienced views.
Let the parents trust their guts!!!!
Re: the strep & pneumonia, they also ring a personal bell - at age 3 I had double pneumonia and the docs told y mom: "You can let her die in the hospital, or take her home to die."
"I'm taking her home!!!" my mom replied. And here I am 45 years later, writing you. I've also had numerous bouts w'strep throat throughout my life.
Still here I am writing you . . .
But it does point out that your niece has immune system challenges which she's probably undergoing currently, and has been for some too-long time. There are numerous approaches to take, outside of and perhaps in conjunction w/ docs' recommendations.
The lifesaver for me, and continuous helper for my little boy as he undergoes chemo hell, has been proven professional practitoners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), i.e.: acupuncture/pressure, herbs, etc. Little kids don't take much to get their bodies back on track. (I.e., half-dosing herbal medicines, acupresure massage if they can't take the slim needle points, well-body suggestions for practice if they're open to it, rather than it just creating another stress for them . . .)
And bottom line - you're Auntie, not parent. Don't beat yourself up over parental decisions over which you have no rightful or moral say. If they haven't asked your input, don't be surprised if they resent it.
Peace and prays for your Little One and her Family,