I wish I had some great advice for you about getting your baby to sleep more at night. I tried to be as hands-off as I could during the night so my little one wouldn't see me as a crutch or think of the middle of the night as snack or play time. It was hard, but I promise you things will get better as she gets older.
As for Daylight Savings, I hate the evil person who came up with this horrible idea. My daughter is 17 months old, so we've been through it twice now. It totally messes her up. I've been trying for the past few days to push her bedtime forward little by little so that when the clocks change she's back to where I want her to be, but it's pretty difficult and I'm bracing myself for some sleepless nights until she adjusts. Just go slow with it, and change bed and morning wake up times in 10 minute increments each night until the schedule rights itself. Easier said than done. Good luck!