I live in the humid south and we have had 100 degree days. It has brought in roaches. We usually get them, maybe one or two when it rains really hard in the summer or if it is really hot out. I hate them and this week we have had 2. My husband sprays with something outside, but is there anything that you have used that works really well? I just hate them and usually we only have a few, but seeing 2 this past week is 2 too many!!!! I have a 1 year old that is curious and a 5 year old, so something that dries safe? Or we can at least use and leave or house for a few hours.
After reading suggestions, I think I will run to home depot and buy a few types of prducts to try. Thanks and I will put what happens. We only get them when it is hot but I found one today in my kitchen and freaked!
See these instrutions regarding the use of boric acid powder inside the home. My experience is that it is very effective.
Sounds pretty child/pet safe too.
Go to the store and get some Combat Killing Gel. Apply small amounts under your sink by the drain pipes, under drawers and any crack that is not exposed to humans or animals. This stuff works, I promise. We had problems with those nasty huge water bugs and they are gone for months after using this stuff.
Best Regards,
I have never found anything to combat the large water roaches. We always seem to get them during the summer months, because the like cool moist areas, and with our air conditioner running, it makes our house a more sutiable habitate than the outdoors with 100+ temps. When I first moved down here, I ask my MIL about them, and she said, "They're just part of the south."
go to myownpestcontrol.com they have everything. just type in the types of bugs you have and it will give you a list of bug killers to choose from. its the same stuff the pros use. you will need to spray inside and outside windows basement/crawl space. they have the sprayers to buy also. this is the real deal. I usually will spray ustairs after everyone is up for the day. then so the downstairs after everyone has gone to sleep. you mix everything up yourself so you will need to wear gloves. I love this site. we have not had any problems since i took care of the house and have stayed ontop of everything. gl
I agree with the combat gel.... it works wonders. i had an "exterminator" come and he made our problem worse (how is that possible!!! lol) but i've been combatting them now with that stuff and it's great.
I live just south of Baton Rouge and had the same problem for years. Finally I tried the plug ins in the electric sockets, I even have one in the attic.
It works pretty good not only on roaches but mice also. We try to remember to change them on a yearly basis!
You may trying going to search and put in roach problems or how do I combat roaches.
Good Luck God Bless
I think for roaches, an exterminator is the only cure. But my exterminator recommended Bengal Roach spray. http://www.bengal.com/products.htm He said that as far as he was concerned it was the only thing on the market for the public that really worked.