Greenville NC

Updated on March 21, 2011
C.W. asks from Saint George, UT
4 answers

Is there a military station (army, marines, navy, air force?) in Greenville NC? My ex said he needs this paperwork from me (daughter's birth certificate and social security) because he got recalled to go to Greenville NC (not SC) for military training... I don't remember a Marine base being there. I'm naturally just suspicious of him because he is very deceitful to begin with and he says I can't fax it to them, he has to bring it. I take everything he says with a grain of salt so I thought I'd ask and see what you moms had to say :)

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So What Happened?

No I already did my taxes, processed etc and he did his the weekend after a while back

My friend said he could have temp orders for recruiter's assistance but Idk b/c he said training... I'm not handing over anything to him... I want to see orders and talk to a SNCOIC

More Answers



answers from Los Angeles on

I just did a google search on military station Greenville North Carolina
and this is what came up
US Army Reserve 1301 N Memorial Dr, Greenville ###-###-####
North Carolina National Guard Office 1401 N Memorial Dr. ###-###-####
Us Army Area Commander 102 Fox Haven Dr. #B Greenville ###-###-####

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Los Angeles on

Call your local VA or recuiter at a university.


answers from Los Angeles on

It's tax time. Is he hoping to claim your daughter on his taxes this year? That may be why he needs her birth certificate and social security.


answers from Stationed Overseas on

There are no army, navy, marine, or airforce bases in Greenville NC. I lived on Ft.Bragg NC with my active duty husband before we moved here to South Korea. Here is a link of all the Active Military bases in NC. If he is telling you there is an active base in Greenville he's lying. If anything is out that way it's coast guard or reserves.

I hope that helps. If you have any other questions let me know, my husband is active duty Army..

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