She has an infection and needs to be seen by a doctor. One of my girls had that once and needed meds. I can't remember what it was called though. Tell her parents.
OK I watch a lil girl she is 4 in March and I went to wipe her today she had pottied anyway. I wiped with a Kandoo and when I was done on the Kandoo was a like green discharge or something. This is not the first time I had seen it so WHAT could it be? I thought she had done # 2 but she hadn't but it could have been my 16 mo old letting stinkers in there not sure. Any thought would be nice. I will tell her mom like I Usually do when something is wrong just was not sure on what it could be......
She has an infection and needs to be seen by a doctor. One of my girls had that once and needed meds. I can't remember what it was called though. Tell her parents.
I would recommend that the child needs to be seen by a Dr. asap. I don't want to make any false allegations by all means, but if it is green (almost like guacamole) it could be the STD gonorrhea. I used to work at a Hospital with abused children and this is what I saw first hand. Again.... don't panic and I don't know that I would even say this to the mom (unless you have great relationship with her), you don't want her to think you are accusing anyone of doing something to the child. I think I would just tell her that it could be an infection and she needs to go to the Dr. asap before it gets worse. If this is what it is, an antibiotic will cure it quickly.
i don't think it is normal for little girls to be having green discharge. the mom should take her to her pediatrician. just to be on the safe side.
Bravo to you for taking care of all those kids! As for the little girl you watch, I would be concerned. Four year old girls do not normally have a green discharge. Take her to the doctor or insist her mother does.
My mom once gave me advice when I was a first time mommy, "if it's green it should be seen"! Meaning by a dr. She has been right, anytime one of the kids had had a green discharge from anywhere it has been an infection. Make sure you tell her mom about it. I wouldn't worry too much about it. But do stress to her how important it is that she takes her.
Just a thought...after eating stuff like colored icing my kids get the weirdest green poop...possibly something she ate and maybe she hadn't wiped very well and the wipe got the last of the green poop?
Sorry, wrong post and I cannot delete it.