My friend's son graduated high school 2 years ago. She had a small back yard BBQ. I brought a dish for the party and I gave him $30.
Just checking to see what the going rate is for graduation gifts these days. I have three nieces and nephews graduating and I usually send a check. I know everyone will say it's what you can afford - but I'd like to see an idea of what most people give.
My friend's son graduated high school 2 years ago. She had a small back yard BBQ. I brought a dish for the party and I gave him $30.
We have been the rounds of graduation for the past 3 years. if it is a friend of my sons who has been around our house a lot and we are invited to the party usually its $25. if its a close friend's child we go $50 if it is a family member (niece / nephew) its $100. when we can afford it. If its a random kid our kid says hey so and so's party is today I am going it is whatever our kid gets him/her. I don't do gifts / cards for those. I don't always do money though. Sometimes I get a laundry basket and put in it a luandry bag, big huge jug of laundry soap, big box of bounce, a small bottle of bleach and a pack of hangers and a roll of quarters. this turns out to be one of the kids fav gifts as they need it for college dorm
I usually give $50 if possible, but there have been times when I have given $20 or $30
My neice graduated college some time ago, but she was planning a year of volunteering so I bought her a set of luggage. When her brother graduated high school, I gave him a gift certificate to the community college book store where he was going. I have also given the girls jewelry like a necklace or an easel. The necklace is a memory and the easel was for a class she would be teaching in the future. I would ask the parents what they may want or need, especially if it is a high school graduation. If they are heading to college,a gift card to somewhere for dorm supplies is a good gift....I guess money works too....I wouldn't send a check unless you are mailing it as I have had, believe it or not, kids not cash them as it gets misplaced if they live in a home that isn't organized. Good luck!
Well first off that's 4 graduation gifts! If I spent $100 on each I would have my credit cards, debit card and checks takin away from me lol. Graduation is a big deal and they are also almost adults if not already. I think an inspirational book of wisdom (Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul) would be nice with a $30-40 giftcard inside.
Good Luck!
I give $40. That's what our budget will allow in most cases. If it's someone I'm particularly close to, I'll spend up to $100.
My son recieved $25 from his great grandparents. His aunt gave him a book. My mom gave him a watch.
Next year I will give my nephew probably around $40-$50.
My standard is a $20 bill, just because it's easy.
$50 to $100. depending on how close you are.
I agree with $50 - $100, depending on how close you are. I usually give $100 to my family, but 3 at a time can be a lot to spend at once.
If you are close to them you can decide to give more but I would say $50 is fair along with maybe a small gift. Like a picture frame, Dave Ramsey's book on Financial Peace, etc