Congrats on taking this step. There are lots of schools in MA, including the ones listed, but also BU, Salem State, Curry College, Harvard, etc. My best advice is to take it as a two step process. 1. decide what you want your Masters concentration to be in and find a school(s) that specialize in that and 2. Look at the MA Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE) licensure site to make sure that the degree you go for will allow you to teach in MA. The Dept has pretty stringent guidelines about the programs that are considered allowable for professional licensure. For example, the school needs to be accredited and recognized by the MDESE - The University of Phoenix would not qualify.
If you are going for a non-licensure track, the MDESE part is not much of an issue, but I wouldn't want you to get a degree from a school only to find out that you would need to take additional classes to be able to get a teacher certification.
If you are not in MA, but in Maine or NH, I would check with their Depts of Education to see what their criteria are.
Hope this helps and good luck!