why on earth would you want to put a baby to bed at 6 or 7? babys get older and stay awake more. thats how they learn to do things, he crys because he is not ready to go to bed. some babys do go to bed around 8 and sleep all night but get up real early. you said you want him to sleep later, so put him to sleep later. if he is taking 2 naps a day that is good, so he wont be ready for bed at 7. take him outside for a walk in the evenings, the weathers nice it will be good for him and you.
then bring him around 8 and give him a bath, dont rush it, dont get stressed, babys feel your stress, and react to it. fresh air almost always knocks a baby out, shot for a bed time about 8:30-9:00 with 8:30 the start of quiet time, no loud t.vs, no phone, no one coming in to talk to you, just you and him, quiet time after his bath, and he might be out by 9. and the later he goes to bed at night, as a rule, the later he sleeps in in the moring.
my 1st baby slept from 9-9 starting from about 8 months old. however baby 2, goes to bed at 11- and sleeps until 9 or 10. and nothing i do can change it. shes just differnt, and she almost never takes a nap. so i live with it. when i want alone time at 4 yrs old she understands, i tell het i was with you all day, if you want to stay up, thats fine, but you do stay in your bed and no playing around with the dogs and watch your shows, and this buys me some alone time. yeah its only an hour or so, but any time a mom gets to herself is worth it.