Okay, I know you will have a great time!!! I always enjoyed it before I walked away from uniformed relgion and went to circle.
So you will remember toothpaste, bandaids, antiseptic soap, gel, bible, hat, cameras (one shot water proof), and antiseptic cream or spray, transiter type radio or CD player, batteries, sunscreen, aloe gel for sunburn or other tanning and burn aids, string, sandwich and food storage bags, wipes, soap, shampoo, conditioner, extra toothbrushes, skin-so-soft spray to keep the bugs off (they even have towelletes that are really easy to store, pack, and use), ace bandages in case of a sprain, a sling in case you need one, clothes pins, a piece of cording or clothes line, a couple of garbage bags for wet and filthy things, tooth picks, straws, glue, stamps, envelopes, letter paper or note cards, plenty of pencils, markers, compass, back pack, candles, matches, and a bunsen-burner, several decks of cards or other types of simple games should the need arise.
I won't go into clothes because no one forgets their clothes, towels, swim suits, and thongs, extra pillow case and sheet, and spare shoes.
Can't think of anything else.
Have a great time.