Well, a few things could be why you are not seeing weight loss. First of all, you may be gaining weight because you are gaining MUSCLE through your workouts. This is actually great news because more muscle increases your metqabolism and helps you burn fat...and also makes you look more toned. Don't worry about bulking up...women cannot bulk up...we don't have enough testosterone.
Another reason may be that you haven't been working out long enough...After the initial weight drop in the first few weeks (largly due to losing water weight)it can take up to 10 weeks to see true and long term wieght loss.
Keep doing what you are doing and be sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. If you do not take in ENOUGH nutrients your body will hold onto fat as a survuval instinct.
Feel free to e-mail me with any questions...I am a personal trainier, nutrition instructo, and I had a little boy at the end of August 06 so I know what you are going through trying to lose weight!!