**edit** M., I just went down and looked in the pediatrics formula closet in our office and there is a new one out. It is Similac Sensitive RS, it's lactose free and thickened with rice starch for spitters. (Similac Sensitive is just the new name for Lactose Free, but the RS is new.) It might be worth a try.
Hi M.~
I have never heard of a goats milk formula...but I am apt to believe there is a reason for that. Our country leads the way when it comes to standards for food and if it's not available here I would be seriously hesitant to give it to my baby. I have also been through the assortment of different formulas with all of my babies and none of them was 100% to their liking. I just had to pick one and stick with it, especially with the last baby (also 6+ months) who WILL NOT eat certain brands. He will ONLY eat Similac Lactose free, but will not even touch Enfamil Lactose free. I do know that Gentleease has low lactose, but is not completely free of it. I realize this is a tough issue for you right now, I was in the same boat but I urge you to sit down with your pediatrician and MAKE them listen to you...that your baby WILL NOT eat formula and demand some advice on what to do. Maybe you can supplement w/some vitamin drops and be diligent about getting him the same nutrition from a different source. That way you could focus on the baby food that he does like and get him through these next few months without this battle. Of course, only your ped can make that call but they've got to do something to help you ease your mind! Send me a message if you'd like, I'll do what I can to help you...like I said, I've been right there and it sucks! But trust me, you'll look back and this formula issue will seem much smaller than it does when you are in the thick of it!