You may want to go to a pediatric gastroenterologist most offices are unable to do the blood work for Celiac Disease. My son was diagnosed fifteen years ago and the only lab processing the blood test was in California at the time so we had to go to Childrens Medical Center in Dallas to have the blood test done. (It requires a certain type of tube for the blood to go in and needs to be processed a certain way)
People with celiac disease have higher than normal levels of certain autoantibodies—proteins that react against the body’s own cells or tissues—in their blood. To diagnose celiac disease, doctors will test blood for high levels of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTGA) or anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA). If test results are negative but celiac disease is still suspected, additional blood tests may be needed.
THIS IS Important Before being tested, one should continue to eat a diet that includes foods with gluten, such as breads and pastas. If a person stops eating foods with gluten before being tested, the results may be negative for celiac disease even if the disease is present.
If blood tests and symptoms suggest celiac disease, a biopsy of the small intestine is performed to confirm the diagnosis