Ok I may be the odd one out... but I did Peanut Butter and honey both at 12 months. We're not big honey eaters here, but I *LIVE* on peanut butter, and so does my 3-year old son.
The latest medical research indicates that early exposure to peanuts may actually be protective for allergies.
Here's a quote from a recent journal article on the topic (Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Volume 123, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 417-423):
"High level environmental exposure in the absence of oral infant exposure leads to allergic sensitization, whereas high levels of oral exposure lead to tolerance irrespective of environmental exposure. This model may explain the varying prevalence of PA [peanut allergy] in different countries. Where infants do not eat peanut but environmental exposure is high because of high adult consumption (eg, UK, United States, Canada), the outcome is allergic sensitization. Where neither adults nor infants eat peanut, environmental exposure is low, and the outcome is tolerance. Where both environmental exposure and infant consumption are high, oral tolerance overrides cutaneous sensitization, and the outcome is a low prevalence of PA—for example, Israel"
Translation: If you are a peanut butter eater and there is PB in your house, go ahead and feed your kid PB after 12 months of age. They think it's skin exposure that creates the allergy.