Getting Rid of Chemical Stain in Toilet Bowl

Updated on November 08, 2010
L.P. asks from Phoenixville, PA
9 answers

Hi Mamas,
I hope you can help. We moved into a new home recently and the bathrooms were very fitlhy! One, in particular, I had to clean with SOS pads under the rim just to get the stains out! However, I think the chemical reaction of the SOS pads plus the bleach that was already in the bowl may have resulted in a stain that won't come out. It's a gray stain that starts at the water line. You can only see it when you flush but it looks dingy. I tried scrubbing it off and even treating it with CLR and it won't budge. Do you all have any suggestions for how to remove it? Thanks!!

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answers from Philadelphia on

Try some efferdent,tablets to clean false teeth. My mom did that for my brothers toilet,lol. It had a rust stain in it because they have a septic system. It worked and got the stain out. Good luck. I would also some baking soda or oxyclean. Only try one thing at a time.

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answers from Dover on

I use some very effective but non-toxic products that can be mixed. If I were you I would try Tub & Tile with a bit of Sol U Mel added. If that didn't do it, you could also try Mela Magic for added cleaning power.

I would also suggest turning the water to the toilet off so you could allow this to soak a few minutes w/out washing it away.



answers from Sacramento on

have you tried Bar Keepers friend on a toilet brush. It is powder like Comet but does awesome job on rust. If not get a small amt of pool chlorine and use it but be very careful because it is very strong acid. I would put it in a small squirt bottle. Had to use it in FL when we bought house that had bad hard water stain rings that nothing would take off. Again be very careful and turn on the fan in the room, no kids around because it is dangerous. Good luck


answers from Denver on

Have you tried Comet? If Comet doesn't get it out it probably won't come out.



answers from Scranton on

Oh I hate to hear of people using these chemicals to clean their house. They are dangerous chemicals and they are very bad for you and your children. You should find some good natural cleaners to use. There are many companies making natural cleaners that really work. One that really works great to remove stains is Method brand. They are even selling a couple natural products in Walmart now. There's no excuse to use the chemicals. Half the time they cause stains. If you do a search online for natural cleaners you will find lots of them, and even ones you can make yourself. My favorite place to find the natural cleaners is Wegmans. These days there are harmful chemicals everywhere..we need to at least make our homes safe and really clean...not chemically dirty.


answers from Modesto on

turn the valve off at the back of the crapper, flush it twice so the bowl is empty.
When its dry, try a Mr Clean magic eraser and some baking soda.



answers from Minneapolis on

First bleach should never be used in the home but if you must, it should NEVER be mixed with other cleaning chemicles and SOS pads have a chemicle in them. The combination of the two releases extremely poisonous gases that are dangerous for your brain, respitory system and over all well being.



answers from Harrisburg on

There is a product that you can buy at WalMart or the Dollar Tree called "The Works". It's awesome!!! My toilet had stains in it that I could not get out no matter what until I used that...took it out within seconds.



answers from New York on

Did you move into a home with well-water? If so, the stain may have already been there, caused by minerals in the water. You can get something like Lime-away or a product specifically for these kinds of stains.

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