Do you really want to have two babies in diapers ( cost )and is it realistic to assume that you have enough time and energy for this now? You might wnat to wait till you get the first one potty trained to have another. Just a thought.
Me and my husband are trying to get pregant with our second child and we are not having any luck. I am still breast feeding our son once or twice a day(he is 8 months old) and i have had my period twice. Has any one had luck this early after having the first?
What did you do ?
We are trying so soon after the first one because my husband is in the military and we are due to move in the summer of 2009. I would really like to be here when we have teh second so i can be close to my family when i have a new baby for all the support. Also i really like my doctor and it took me a long time to find him. the idea of doing that again in a new city where we don't know anyone sounds harder to me than having two small childeren.
ps. Please do not post about how i should not be thinking about or trying to have another one know. it may not be right for you but is for my family and we have thought about it very hard since before the day my son was born. Thank you for understanding.
guess what. i'm pregnat!! it only took 3 months and we didn't even really try last month. the timing was off. i can't beleve it.
Do you really want to have two babies in diapers ( cost )and is it realistic to assume that you have enough time and energy for this now? You might wnat to wait till you get the first one potty trained to have another. Just a thought.
Breast feeding can be like a birth control. I don't believe you ovulate on a regular cycle. you can just keep trying and when the time is perfect it will happen:)
It is typical to cease ovulation during lactation, and I hope you will bless your son by nursing him for at least 12 months. This is just my opinion of course, but I think you should take a cue from your body that it is too soon to be pregnant again. The ideal distance between conceptions from a medical standpoint is 18-23 months, since this gives your body time to recover the essential nutrients it lost during pregnancy and nursing. Maybe at the least you should consider taking a couple months to eat an excellent diet and take good nutritional supplements before trying again. Just know too that your baby may be seeming easier at eight months, but at eighteen months, he will take a lot of your time and energy, and you already know what a newborn is like! Best wishes
It will happen soon. Poosibly the lactation is helping cause the non pregnancy, but also it has only been two periods. Quite a few people don't get pregnant that fast when they haven't just had a child. Also, I hope you remember that it is best to breastfeed for at least the first year.
Another thing to think about is that bodies usually take about a year after pregnancy to fully recover, more or less depending on age. You will probably get pregnant at just the moment when it is healthiest for you and your family.
When I was trying to get pregnant with my first (it took about 10 months of "trying"), everyone kept telling me we should just get drunk and do it in the back seat of our car. Of course they all said this with a great deal of humor, the idea being that if we relaxed a little it would just happen. I used to hate it when they said it, but now I see some wisdom in not stressing about it. I had my second daughter 17 months after our fist was born. We thought 2 years apart or so would be nice, and considering it took us about 10 months the last time, we stopped preventing it early the second time around, but not exactly trying (and stressing) the way we had the first time around. Needless to say, I was a bit surprised, and a little afriad, that it happened so soon. It was hard having the two babies so close, but I did not have family I could count on to help out. So, I totally see your point about having yours close. Family is so important, especially when you have a newborn. I wish you all the best of luck! Have fun, And hopefully you'll be announcing your new baby very soon!! God bless you, and your family.
BTW- I ended up using the Basal Temp Technique with our first after nine months of no baby. The next month I was pregnant. If I remember right, I was still breastfeeding then, although, not exclusively. I was finished nursing completely at around 10 months. I got pregnant when my daughter was 9 months. I agree, the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is very helpful in not only explaining everything about a woman's cycle, but it lays out specific ways to optimize trying to get pregnant, which also is helpful when you want to avoid pregnancy if taking birth control doesn't work for you. (as in my case)
It might be the breast feeding. Some can breatfeed the whole time they are pregnant but for others it can be too much on your body and not allow you to ovulate.I would wait till you are done breastfeeding to try for another one. Give your body a rest, most drs will tell you a year (better for you better for both babys)
Stop breast feeding if you want to get preg again. It's too much on your body to be preg and breast feeding at the same time. That's why your body isn't letting it happen. Also be sure to be eating well and taking your prenatal vitamins, etc.
Well it can happen again real fast like me.. I got pregnant a second time when my 1st newborn daughter was 3 months. It has been very challenging, very very sleep deprived :) but love them to death. both of my daughters will be close.
I would just have fun trying and if it happens well great otherwise enjoy the time with your little one.
After 6 months of no success, I turned to the method of taking my basal body temperature (BBT) every morning. The first month of doing this, success! I got pregnant with my first child. We decided to try again when my son was 9 months (although I already had stopped breastfeeding by then, not my choice). The first month of trying again with BBT, I was able to get pregnant! Unfortunately, that ended in a miscarriage (11 wks pregnant). Then I recovered after 2 months, tried again with BBT. This time it took 2 months (probably stress from the holidays) and conceived again 12/28/2008. I'm now 19 weeks pregnant expecting a baby girl with a due date around my son's 2nd birthday. BBT method REALLY worked for me, and it could work for you.
Couple of suggestions: 1) listen to the advise of others and doctors in making sure you and your husband has given this considerable thought. Since I have family close by, I knew I can count on them for help since I've been told it's challenging having kids close at age. 2) Take prenatal vitamins now. 3) It's best to try to get your body weight as close to your last pre-pregnancy weight. 4) Get the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" to learn BBT. 5) Remember, do not be discouraged if miscarriage were to happen. It's very common. I'm 35 now, and my body is not like a 20 year old. But I was able to conceive successfully every time using the BBT method. Good luck!!!
Babycenter has a Trying to Conceive while breastfeeding board that you might want to check out.
It's definitely possible that, even though you have your periods back, you aren't ovulating yet, but that should come back on its own. When I was breastfeeding my first, I didn't get my period until he was about 12.5 months old. I had two periods and then got PG. Maybe you will have similar luck. :)
I did chart my basal body temperature and use ovulation predictor tests so I could know just what was going on with my cycles. (If this all sounds new to you www.fertilityfriend.com has lots of info.)
Hi A., I was told by my doc that you can menstruate without ovulating and you can also ovulate without menstruating. I don't know that this is an exact science but I can tell you that I was nursing my 1st son and intended it till at least 1 yr. At 9 months I still had not had a period but became pregnant. I subsequently miscarried that child at 6 weeks. I was again pregnant when my first was 1 yr exactly and carried it to term. Both times I had not menstruated but had ovulated. Go get some predictors and see if your ovulating? You can be bleeding but not releasing eggs yet. Your body knows when to release again. As in nature. If you are set on getting preggers right away, you may need to go to only one breastfeeing a day or stop completely. You can also go on Clomid to induce ovulation. I don't know if you can go on it while breastfeeding though. Good luck!!!!
Hi A.,
I hope you don't take this the wrong way (and I know it's not really an answer to your question), but I just wanted to share a little from experience. Having babies close together is a great thing, but you should consider that it is going to be twice the work. My sons are 23 mos apart and keep me on my toes ALL THE TIME! I am a stay at home mom (and love it) but it is so much more work than the full-time job I had before becoming a mom. Before I was pregnant with my second son, everyone told me that it would be easier than it was with our first. Wow, were they mistaken. Yes, it's 'easier' in the sense that I don't worry so much about the little things, but there's twice as much of everything to do (laundry, diapers, bottles, feedings, baths, etc) everyday. I would never not want to have my 2 boys, but I would definitely have waited a little longer between the 2. I'm even crazy enough to want a third in the near future!!
I'm sorry if this upsets you at all, but I just wanted to share a little of what I wish I was told. Good luck and very best wishes to you and your family.
Hi A.,
I presume you and your husband love children, me too. Having said that I'm wondering a little why you are in such a hurry to have a second child?
It sounds like your hormones and your body aren't ready for a second baby, your first isn't very old and it does take a while to readjust for subsequent pregnancies. Nursing your present baby (and I really hope you continue untill he's at least 12 months old)is probably one of the reasons your body wants you to postpone conceiving your second.
I am a Certified HypnoFertility Therapist and I'll be glad to offer you fertility sessions if you decide there might be a problem. However, it sounds to me like everything is normal so it'll be all right for you to let nature take its course.
Enjoy your son and your husband.
Relax! You have only had two periods. It's not like you can expect to get pregnant on the very first try.
It's considered normal medically if you get pregnant within a *year* of trying.
Some people get pregnant quickly after the first baby, others do not. But it has been shown that the best spacing for the mother's long-term health is between 1.5 to 3 years apart.
Don't be in a hurry, just enjoy the baby you have now. Believe me, two kids are a LOT of work. One plus one does not equal two in this case, it's more like four!
Hi A.,
Congrats on your first and I hope you get the 2nd one to come soon! I wouldn't worry at all yet. If you're still nursing that can definitely make it harder to get pregnant. Plus even if you time sex perfectly, there's only a 1 in 4 chance of getting pregnant each cycle. So please don't worry that you'll have a difficult time conceiving. There are some things you can do to speed the process, though. Have you eveyr tried charting your cycles (taking temperature every morning and checking cervical fluid)? It can help you pinpoint the window when you can get pregnant. You could also try ovulation predictor kits.
I have a niece & nephew who are 15 months apart and it was a bit stressful when they were little but now it's really fun because they're so close. Good luck in growing your family!
Relax and let nature take it's course. You have a child so you know your body has the ability. I do understand the anxiety of have to switch Dr's, I had to have a different Dr for my second delivery. Mother nature takes her time in all things like this. Bless you , and good luck. L. C.
I got pregnant with my 3rd one 10 months after the second one. I was not breast feeding at all by then, and the
periods were pretty regular. The more you try, the more it seems to evade us, the time we give up, is when it will happen. We were not trying for a third child, I just have a weird biological cycle.....I was ovulating, and it was not even two weeks after my cycle had ended but more like
10 days.
I got pregnant 3 times while breastfeeding, the first time my daughter was 4 months and that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at a month, the second time my daughter (same daughter) was 6 months and we had our son 6 weeks early (they are 14 months apart) then when I was breastfeeding him and he was 3 months I ended up pregnant and that ended in a miscarriage at 3 months. The doctors said that most likely I ended up with the 2nd miscarriage because my body was not recovered from back to back deliveries.
Hope all goes well
Hi A.,
I hear it's easier to get pregnant after having the first. While still nursing my second child (at about 13mths old) and taking birth control pills, I got pregnant with my third child. Although a surprise, it was a blessing. I have since had my tubes tied to avoid additional surprises.
Good luck!
Hi A.,
I also have an 8-month old son. I saw my doctor last month to discuss getting pregnant again and he did not recomend getting pregnany less than a year from my last pregnancy. He said it would take about a year for my body to fully recover and I should not breastfeed past the 1st trimester, as this could cause pre-term labor. So, we have decided to wait until after our son turns 1-year.
Good luck!
Hi A.-
Most Dr's recommend 1 year between children to let your body recover- pregnancy and breast feeding is a tremendous drain on your natural resources- we're at a 1 1/2 years and my periods are still not regular (and I was like a clockwork before).
Often times Mother Nature has put safety measures in place- and this may be one of them!
Try multivitamins to build yourself back up, and make sure that you want two under two! Have you considered what are you going to do about the crib arrangement? Even if you bassinet for 6-months, your youngest will be barely 2 years perhaps ready for a big bed, perhaps not. It's kinda rough to ask a toddler to transition to a big bed, potty train, etc when there's a new baby with all the attention!
Best of luck to you!
I've been able to get pregnant twice while breastfeeding. I'm currently due with our fifth (my fourth) on Sunday. I had one period before I was pregnant with this one and my son was only five months old. Hang in there...you're only able to get pregnant in such a short window of time each month. It may be you just haven't hit it right.
I,too, wanted my kids close together in age and couldn;t get pregnant. I went to an accupuncturist that specialised in fertility and he told me my body simply hadn't healed from the first one yet. he did accupuncture,and I was pregnant after the first visit to him.
Most of the time it is natures way of waiting til your done breastfeeding the first.
My brother and I are exactly 1 year and five days apart to the minute. My mon's secret she says was to not think about it so hard, but just enjoy the practice. Sorry. I had my three children eactly two years apart to the day and my secret was just following my mom's advice. I hope this helps. I am not belittling your need, i am just telling you what I know
I got pregnant while still breastfeeding a 9 month old probably more than you are because we didn't stop til almost 1 year old (and it wasn't a problem - he was to tired at night to do it and to eager to get going in the morning and had started taking milk/formula bottles which he was fine with). I had two light periods, fakers really. and then one regular heavy-ish period. Then boom got pregnant with second son - recommend relaxing and enjoying the nights when number 1 goes to sleep early.
I got pregnant with my second when my first was about 3.5 months old. I was breastfeeding at the time. Your body just might not be ready yet. Just enjoy trying and the time you have with your son. Good luck!!
I stopped breast feeding my daughter about a month ago and got pregnant almost instantly. Try checking out an ovulation calendar online. Good luck!!
I got pregnant while breastfeeding when my first son was about 10 months old. We weren't trying to, but then, we weren't trying NOT to, either! Only a small percentage of women can actually get pregnant while breastfeeding. Even nursing twice a day can prevent you from becoming pregnant again. If you want to learn to find out when you are fertile, check out this website: http://www.billings-ovulation-method.org/ Good luck on having another baby!
The heavens are filled with beings who want to be born on earth at this time. You will have another if that is your desire. Don't let the feeling that it hasn't happened yet get in the way of the wonderful feeling that you may be able to imagine as it is happening for real.
Divine timing is interesting. You might be aware of what your astrological sign has led you toward in your own life experience. If all beings are highly intelligent (before we are born into this world of forgetfulness) then it would stand to reason that your "baby" is waiting for the stars to line up in such a way that would benefit him in his plan for what he wants to accomplish and when he wants to remember his divinity.
In short, it will happen when it's appropriate and no need to get your panties in a bunch about it. (teasingly playful, wink wink)
Love, L.
Teacher of New Consciousness
I would wait a bit longer, due to having babies very close in age. Around your cramping time, wait a week or so, and try again. I have 3 close in age, and they have their days. Good luck.
Honestly, my best advice to to try not to think about it and try not to actively try. When my daughter was 2 we decided to get pregnant again. We got pregnant on our very first try but I miscarried at 12 weeks. Then we tried and tried to get pregnant again, tracked ovulation etc. but with no luck. My daughter turned 5 in August. In October we sort of gave up trying and I sold and donated most of my maternity and baby items. And in November, suprise, I got pregnant!! So there you go, lol. I am now 6 months along!!
Slow down and enjoy your son...the 2nd pregnancy will happen when the timing is right for your body. Based on some of the other posts I have read, it may be too soon...you don't want to push too hard and end up having a miscarriage.
Personally, I had my 3 children 4+ years apart and was able to fully enjoy all of their stages individually and focus on each child, especially the baby and toddler stages. It goes by SO fast...you really want to enjoy that time. Whatever happens will end up being be perfect!
Good luck!
hi there..I'm wondring if you've heard of Maca? It's completely natural, comes from Peru. It's a root plant that the peruvians have used for centuries for overall health. It's mainly a hormone balancer that increases fertility, stamina and libido among other things....it's technically a food, but considered a supplement. It comes in a powder that you can mixI'm 90% sure that it's ok to take while nursing. You can google it and read about it to see if it's something you might want to look further into.
Best of luck!!!
Like Sarah M mentioned you can menstruat w/out ovulating. Also b/c your breast feeding you my ovulate at a odd time in your cycle and your uterine lining may not be developing enough each cycle to actually support a pregnancy (so if your periods are really light you may want to wait longer or risk having a MC.)
If you really want to try though I would start by figuring out when/if your ovulating. Monitor your cervical mucus and if that doesn't help buy an ovulation predictor.
Good luck.