T., i know you hate to hear this... but i agree with dawn. if your baby contracts group beta strep and gets septic, you're looking at iv antibiotics for him, a septic work up which includes a lumbar puncture to get cerebrospinal fluid to test, lots of blood work, and a long hospital stay in the icu. you're possibly also looking at death. even the healthiest people with the most normal pregnancies can carry a baby to term and have a poor outcome. and although the baby won't necessarily become infected-- that's a pretty big "if" to play with. because the infection is very transient, it can be present and then gone multiple times throughout pregnancy, which is why even though it might go away again before labor, it can also come back. if you are considered positive even early in pregnancy, you should still be treated at time of delivery, preferably with iv antibiotics which can act rapidly on the infection. which is also why the lady a few posts down had an issue-- she was negative at the usual test point in her pregnancy, but it showed up after that, unfortunately for her and her son. please don't get me wrong, i think minimal-intervention births are great for the proper candidate, but your group beta strep status takes you out of that, in my opinion. good luck and keep us posted!