Given the climate we live in, we have to wait a little longer to plant anything outside. Here in northern IL, we should wait until after the last freeze &/or frost, which is often late April or even early May! Vegetable plants don't handle freezing temperatures well and we've had some pretty chilly nights this week. I have a large garden and am not-so-patiently waiting to get out there! One year, I planted a little early, but we had a late hard frost and I lost all of my tomato plants. Weird thing is that the soil temperature didn't drop as far overnight, so most of them re-sprouted since the below-ground parts didn't freeze!
With your cucumbers and other veggies, though, keep an eye on them and if they don't seem to recover and thrive (given the amount of rain we're having, it's not likely to be a need for water), just wait a week or 2 until it warms up more consistently outside and you can replant new seeds directly in your garden and they'll grow just fine. Just watch out for bunnies! :)