My daughter absolutely loves them! She started eating them around 10 or 11 months, and I've heard of no allergy-type issues if you start before then. Our pediatrician was encouraging us to feed our daughter "real" food at 9 months, minus all of the known problem foods (e.g., honey, nuts, etc.) The real food could include spices, herbs, etc. The garbanzos were cooked as part of a Moroccan chicken stew with spices, tomatoes, and raisins. All of these yummy flavors may have contributed to her love of the garbanzo beans, which probably sopped up a lot of the flavor! Since the moroccan stew experiment, we have cooked garbanzos until they are soft, so we don't puree the beans. They make a great finger food. If you use canned beans, look for the low sodium ones. Salt can be a real issue for the little ones. Other spices can be used, though, (e.g., cinnamon, ginger, garlic, turmeric,...) and seem to be enjoyed by our daughter.