Capture the flag
Ditch (not ding-dong ditch)
Water guns/balloons
Since the weather has been nice, and the neighborhood gang of boys is old enough to walk to each other's houses, it seems like most days we have a group of 3-8 boys hanging here, playing basketball, hitting the trampoline or playing Cops & Robbers. Summer has just begun and they seems to be looking for other things to play. These guys are 7-11 in age. What other things do your kids play when they have a group and are outside?
Capture the flag
Ditch (not ding-dong ditch)
Water guns/balloons
hide and seek, tag, build a fort, frisbee - and if they're good at it they can make a frisbee golf course, make a big batch of monster goo (corn starch and water) and let them do as they will - just have them wear swim trunks and hose them all off when they're done, play mad chemists with baking soda and vinegar, etc. that's all i got off the top of my head.
They play baseball,soccer,hockey,ride bikes,scooters,beyblades,run in the sprinkler,squirt guns ,water balloons,or I make them snow cones=0)
My kids would play Indiana Jones. They would take a spiral notebook and pen/pencil and hunt for bones. And make notes about what they discovered. lol
Nerf guns, water guns/balloons, riding bikes/scooters...
Hide and seek, basketball, ridig bikes, kickball, waterguns, waterballoons, sprinklers, slip n slides
K. B
mom to 5 including triplets
Nerf guns - they use their Nerf guns as Cops & robbers....they use the trees and shrubbery for hide outs.
Capture the Flag - my boys use a bandana or a towel
The pool is a great place to let them get their energy out...
I get my stop watch out and time them on who runs the fastest from the top of the street to the end of the cul-de-sac....
Bike riding - we have dare devils so they do some things that would make some mother's stop breathing....even the 7 year old - man the things he can do!!!
They have also built a fort - that was cool!!!
They also go over to the golf course and wade in the creek and get the golf balls out....
No limit to their imaginations....