I had my gallbladder out while I was a nanny for 7 children plus her bosses son. I had mine out on a Tuesday and went back to work on Thursday. My surgery was laproscopic and I had a few band-aid/butterfly types covers on the incisions. I am heavy and they came open but the surgeon didn't care, he said they would heal just fine anyway. I felt fine, never took any of the Davocet N-100, never had to stay in bed or anything. I went in surgery came out, puked a lot, anesthesia really makes me ill, then came home and slept for a couple of hours. I got up and felt normal. I don't think I lifted the kids or anything, seems like they could all walk at that point or were in school. I didn't stand and cook snack foods or their evening meal. We had something already prepared from the store for snack and the the dad cooked dinner when he came in from work at 4pm.
It was a very easy job, and I just didn't do any long term standing or heavy lifting until the next Monday. So, I think that is what allowed me to go back to work so soon. It was just like being a mom to them and I got to take them where ever I was going and do what ever I wanted.