I am sorry to tell you this, but it does sound like colic. I am a mom to a 5 month old who was severely colicky the first 3 months of his life. Your situation sounds very much like our situation and it was confirmed by the doc that he did have colic.
There is no reason behind it and there is nothing you can do for him. The best advice I can give you is to hold him through all his tantrums and soothe him with your gentle voice. Even though he may not stop crying because of it, it will be comforting to him knowing that you are there. My doc told us never to let him "cry it out" in his crib before the age of 4 months and never if they have colic. They need your touch and your voice for even the littlest bit of comfort it may bring. He will have to tire himself out and fall asleep but it should always be when you are holding him. Once he gets over the colic, you can start working on the proper sleep techniques, but for now, just soothing your little boy is the most important thing.
Also, colic is more common in boys than girls, something I found out, but it usually only lasts about 3 months on average. So please hang in there, because since you are already two months in, you probably only have about a month to go. Sometimes it lasts longer but sometimes less, but three months is about where it ends for most moms that I have talked to of colicky children.
Hang in there J., it will get better. Our life was miserable for the first 3 months, but now our son hardly ever cries and he is one of the happiest babies we have ever seen. He went from all cries to all giggles all the time. You are definitely learning the virtue of patience and it will help you later. Our son is our first child too and i just thought I was doing something wrong, but there is just nothing you can do for them when they have colic. My MIL told me just a few days ago, that as easy as it is with my son now, is as easy as it is from day one with parents whose babies don't have colic and I got so jealous that most parents get days like these with their children from day one, but we got through it and so will you.
Good luck J.....hang in there....it will get SO much better, I promise.