Free Website for My 3 Year Old

Updated on June 18, 2007
A.A. asks from Fort Worth, TX
7 answers

Hello moms! I am looking for a free (or at least cheap) website to post my 3 year old's pictures. I have been using for the last year but its time to renew my membership so I wanted to see what else was out there. I love web design so I want something where there are lots of different options for me to spruce up her page. Oh, and I dont want Myspace. I personally love it, but I want something where you dont have to be a member to view the page (this is especially for grandparents and they're definitely not on Myspace!!).

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answers from Dallas on

I've recently started using a community resource called Zoints. Funny name, but nice idea. It's free to register: and you can create a photo album discussion area and blogs. I've only begun with mine, so there's not much to look at, but if you pm me, I'll give you the link. I believe that your address is public, though, as I got a "comment" on my site a few days after creating it from someone in hawaii... don't know if that would be a concern as you are hoping this would be your daughter's site, but just know that while you don't have to have an account to see it - good for grandparents and such... anyone can browse the directory (from what I can tell). I haven't found a way to not be in the directory yet (if it's possible).

Oh, and you can get referral points that eventually get you things like more space for your photos, so if you do decide to sign up, please let me know so I can give you my referral link (just found this today looking for the directory settings!).

Of course, there's always things like yahoo photos where you can keep picture albums. Or Flikr ( where you can make spiffy albums.

Also, Microsoft has an offering right now, if you want to put more work into it at click on the "Office Live Basics"... technically, this is for small businesses, but it's free and what do they care what you use it for? It does require knowing a little bit more about website design, but it sounds like that might be right up your alley.

Good luck and if I find anything else, I'll let you know.


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answers from Dallas on

Hi! I recently set up a friend of mine's picutes on
and she loves it. Its free and you get different backgrounds that you can change often. I started her youngest on there and now she has a site for both of her kids!
Hope this helps!



answers from Dallas on

I'm a big fan of Kodak Gallery. You don't pay to post, and if the grandparents or friends want to order prints, then they can do so from the site and either have them shipped or not pay shipping and just have them printed at a local CVS etc. I've used it for several years and love it.

My sister likes Very similar.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I use It's really easy to use.



answers from Dallas on

I used with my son. It's a free website and you get a webpage for your child, that anyone can view without having to be a member like myspace. Hope this helps



answers from Dallas on

I have been using for the past year...It isn't free though....I think it is 7.99 a month....They have really cute designs and it is very user-friendly...All the family enjoys looking and it and posting comments....I think they even give you a free month as a trial...At least they did a year ago! Hope this helps!




answers from Dallas on

check out you could make a photo blog..
here is one that I did (haven't kept it up lately..but you get the idea..)

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