As to distinguish between night and day, we did naps with a different blanket and the blinds were open. For night, we put on jammies (I don't do the nightly bath either), read some stories and cuddle, and then put him in his sleepsack with his night blanket, and the blinds closed (more important when it was still light out).
I always fed when he woke up and did the same for the last night feeding...feed, then awake, then to sleep. When he was still waking for night feedings (this only lasted till 10 weeks - and it sounds like your son doesn't really need them if he can sleep 11 hours), I would feed, and put right back down, unless there was a stinky diaper. I am wondering if the feeding right before bed is what is throwing him off? He has some energy from it, and is ready to be awake? Maybe that extra nursing after 30 minutes is just soothing and not really necessary? Just throwing that out there.
I am a believer in cry it out, but won't suggest that. :) I have heard good things about the No Cry Sleep Solution, and loved Happiest Baby on the Block.
Oh, and our night time books are different than our daytime. There was Goodnight Moon, Going to Bed Book, etc.