Hi J. W.,
I had a couple of questions to ask before I offer my advice. Are you still BF and supplimenting with formula or did you stop Bf and just switch to formula?
There are just a few basic types of formula out there.
Similac, Enfamil, Carnation good start, generic cows milk formulas. These formulas are basically the same. If you add
lipil, then you may be addding a little extra dha/ara, though the studies are out there and will take many years to complete. The ara/dha is a special componant in breastmilk that has been proven to make babies have higher iq's. However we will not know until these babies have grown and tested for iq vs thoses only fed formula with iron.
The formula's that I mentioned before are made from cows milk. Think of the difference between coke and pepsi, thats pretty much the same thing between one cows milk formula and another.
Advertising just makes one look better than the next.
I agree with the advice, keep baby on this formula for 1-2 weeks to determine tolerance. If you switch back and forth from cows milk formula to soy, then another brand, you risk introducing allergies into your babies system.
Prosobee, isomil, carnation soy formula,..... all the same. Coke or pepsi.... The ingrediants are basically the same, one might use corn syrup as its sugar base and the other might use sucrose. Both are sugars just a different type of sugar. We may care for the taste of one over the other, but basically the same.
Remember, cows milk formula's are different from soy formula's.
When your baby was recieving breastmilk, the bowel movement probably looked like cottage cheese with curds and quite runny, very little smell. A formula fed bowel movement looks more like playdow, thicker in consistancy and smells!
If you just stopped giving breastmilk one day and switched to formula, then that can be difficult on the babies stomach and your breasts. It is not unusual to go 3-4 days without a bowel movement with a quick switch like that. When the baby does go, it will probably be hard like a ball. She may have some diarreah behind that movement, this would be normal. She should learn to regulate it once a normal bowel movement is established.
If you just stopped breastfeeding, then your breasts might be really sore. They may even feel like they are going to pop.
If you have a pump, I would recommend that you pump every 3-4 hours for 2-5 minutes. This will only make you feel more confortable. It is not removing enough milk to continue making more milk. Or you can go out a buy a head of green cabbage. Refrigerate the cabbage. Once cold, peel leaves and place in your bra till wilted. Then repeat the process, until no longer feel full. I would only recommend this practice if you have totally stopped breastfeeding. Its a quick dry up method. I know it sounds stupid but it works.
The last type of formula out there is special metabolic, easier to digest formula's. These would be for severe allergies or intolerances. Not what most Moms want to use. Part of the reason is the price. $20.00-40.00 a can. Most babies will go through 9-12 cans per month. Once eating its full amount. It also really stinks, but if your baby is ill or needs this special formula then your doctor would prescibe it. These formula's are called Nutramigen, Alimentum and Progestamil. These are not usually needed for a full 12 months depending on the infants tolerance.
So remember.... Cows milk is one type of formula, Soy formula is another type of formula and then the metabolice formula's that are easier to digst because they are already partially brocken down.
I would not recommend more than 4 oz. of water in a 24 hr period, babies can get a condition called water intoxification, from drinking too much water. It can shut down the kidneys and cause problems with the liver.
You could try manual stimulation with some vasaline and a baby thermometer.
Never over dilute or undilute the formula's, this can cause major health problems.
Have you contacted your pediatrician or a person that works for WIC? I have worked for WIC for over 12 years, this is where I have gained my knowledge.
Good luck! Don't fret, Not everybody poops everyday. Just monitor it for now, watch for progectile vomiting (the exercist) or frequent vomiting. Some spitup is normal. If it could fit in the palm of your hand, even if its every feeding, that still would be considered normal. I hope this helps!
H. B.