Hi KBS/New beginnings,
I am a big fan of women's reproductive rights and strongly believe it is a woman's right to make decisions about her body. Big family, small family, no kids, no family; it's not my business to determine what's right for others.
However, your post alarms me. It is worrisome, because of your current emotional/physical instability. You have three children (under the age of three) and have been pregnant and given birth to an additional child who you adopted out to your friends. You have experienced extreme PPD. In an earlier question that has now been deleted, you stated that your PPD became so incapacitating that your husband quit his job and that CPS intervened on your children's behalf. Meanwhile, you are also working through PTSD and have suicidal thoughts. That, in and of itself, is *a lot* to deal with. It's NOT your fault that you had/have PPD/PTSD/depression/?, but IS your responsibility to address and treat. I know it's hard and painful to deal with - but your children and family depend on you. As importantly, you deserve to feel stable and balanced.
Meanwhile, your marriage sounds tumultuous. Again, this isn't about fault, but becomes both of your responsibility to work on. I'm sure it's difficult, especially as you, him and your three babies/toddlers are sharing one room in his parents home. A home that, without some renovation, CPS has deemed unlivable. Marriage is tricky and takes dedication and work even when circumstances are much easier.
I have also gathered that you are having a difficult time making ends meet, even with government subsidized living and assistance. While I believe it is *entirely* possible to raise happy, balanced, well adjusted kids and be (gasp) poor, I also know that it is stressful and tiring to not have financial stability. It is harder - not worse - to be low income.
I am NOT bringing any of this up as a judgement, but out of concern for you, your children and your family. It is very, very physically and emotionally taxing to be pregnant, give birth and raise children. YES it's also a blessing and the most wonderful experience, but it is not always easy.
I would feel very worried for you if you became pregnant again. Adding another baby to your family would be so hard on your body, mind and spirit, not to mention your housing situation, your financial situation and your relationship. You have SO much going on right now. So much.
Right now, I think it may be very, very, very, difficult for you and your family if you are not able to give your body/mind/spirit/wallet a break and become stable before you add to your family. From your religious standpoint, do you think God wants you to be able to properly care for and be *present* for the children who you have already been blessed with? Do you think that God would understand if you took a break so that you could get on your feet again? Do you think that your children deserve to have a Mom who is able to focus on their needs before adding more to the equation?
*I* think so...but understand that it's really between you and your God.
I know you're searching for stability, and it doesn't seem to be getting easier. Perhaps it's time to take a look at your path - it might be dysfunctional (as in not functioning). You deserve to be healthy and happy. So do the children who were already brought into this world.
I wish you strength and courage.