Since I work in this area my first question would be why do you want to wean?
I saw only one sentence close to touching this and that was in your introduction about only bfing the last 2 children.
I would say know your facts before making your decision and why you want to stop breastfeeding
American Academy of pediatrics recomends bf is the US until the age of 1. I actually attended a conference where the person who helped pilot this recomendation gave a seminar. A female MD and LC - lactation consultant. Anyway, after lots of research the Academy of pediatrics was able to agree BUT only to a year because our culture would never even consider the world wide recommendation which is until 2 years old. And not just for culture but for strong evidence that suggests from the ages of 1 to 2 children do not eat all food groups. They get picky.
Whats my point. My point is that if you are not ready to stop bf do not let society take this wonderful and nessecary gift away from you and your daughter. Weaning actually begins the moment you offer your child something other that breast milk! Many people dont know tha fact. So breastfeeding is only recommended exclusively until the 6 month of life. Once you start offering solids the amt of breast milk they take decreases if not alot some. And that is the begining of the path to weaning.
As far as the child needing your milk, you better believe she does. As a mother starts producing less milk the calorie content and nutrients get super concentrated. In some of our testing at our clinic we have found values as high as 87 calories per oz. For an exclusive baby that stays between 25 and 30 per oz but still depends on the child. And talk about immunities. Well when your child nurses our breast are a two way street the milk comes down, the child drinks, whatever is not consumed INCLUDING saliva goes back into the areolas. Next the body gets busy making antibodies for your child.
I say all this to make sure your making an informed decision. If you want more freedom from your daughter bf has nothing to do with it. She is your daughter and you are going to want to be around her. You will miss her the same until your last day on earth and enjoy her the same. I would say...purchase a good pump like Madela or anything not created by the bottle companies to mess up bfing (gerber, etc) Go on a vacation. Doesnt have to be out of town just you time. Could be at a local hotel with store bought groceries. Have a refreshing time as long as your family and work situation allow. But pump. I know some children will not take breast milk in a bottle but this is just to keep your milk supply. Then at the end of "mommy time" (we all need it) Make your decision.
If you decide to stop bfing your 1 yr old (not wean) take one feeding away at a time and remember that its your body. She needs your milk the 1st year of life (US) after that its a privelage. End with taking away the most important feeding usually the bedtime feeding. Be stern. Make sure that in your decision you are ready to follow through because giving in can be very confusing to a child.
Anyway my thoughts.