What if the Sandy HooK mom told the school if he had said something about the school? I don't know if he had mentioned his jealousy or not but it might have made a difference.
In this situation, you Know this guy is off the hook. Of course I would tell the principal!! This is how people like this take control of a situation because everybody is afraid. Of gossip, of hurting someone's feelings, of legal issues.
Here I go. I am fixin to make someone mad but so be it.
Until you stop worrying about someone's libel lawsuit or Hippa laws or just saving your own skin, there are crazy people who are going to run this world by fear. Common sense should RULE.
Stop the absolute madness of focusing on the gun rights to the exclusion of mental illness changes! Yes, ban the clips. But for goodness sake, when you have a man like this that everybody knows is craziness personified let important people know.
Change the stringent rules about holds for the mentally ill and fund mental health professional and institutions. Do public announcements saying, if you see something, do this...