Fly on the Bathroom Walls?

Updated on July 05, 2011
T.L. asks from Cuba, MO
3 answers

I am the type of person who would love to be a fly on the bathroom wall.

So seriously, I went to go to the bathroom at WORK and there is a nasty conversation going on (written) on the stall wall. I thought I worked in an adult environment, but I guess not. It is nasty as in calling each other horrid names etc...

So have you ever written on a stall wall? If so, how old were you when you did it last?

O the one last week said:

"If you have class and love your man, then don't write his name where you wipe your a.." I busted up laughing at this one.

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answers from Jacksonville on

No, but I have read some funny things. I read a poem that said

As I sit here and drip dry
sometimes I have to ponder why
As hard as it seems
Refill the beams
Toilet paper is so hard to come by.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Really? Adults? That's very odd....

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answers from Kansas City on

When I was in high school I used to write me and my boyfriend's name in a heart in nail polish or ink pen. You know, "K loves D" type of stuff. I never wrote anything mean about anyone though. I did not have any enemies to do that to, but am not sure I would've even if I had.

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