Flushable Gdiapers

Updated on November 17, 2008
L.M. asks from Dayton, OH
5 answers

anyone using these diapers? i just ordered a starter kit and wanted to know if anyone had any tips or comments. thanks! -L.

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thank you for the help, i will keep all of your thoughts in mind while i try these things out!

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answers from Columbus on

I do daycare and one of my little ones used these for awhile. As a daycare provider, I didn't care for them much. You have to take out the dirty/wet insert with your hands, then clean out the liner when there's poo stuck to it. Just wasn't convenient when dealing with a few children and trying to maintain a good hygiene.
May be great if you keep your child at home, but they DO leak quite a bit.
Best Wishes!

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answers from Cincinnati on

we just bought the gdiapers at wild oats and so far I like them. At first we were looking into cloth diapers but I couldn't find any I liked that weren't crazy expensive like over $200 for a pack of 12. I don't normally use the gdiapers if I am going out to run errands just because I think it would be a hassel when I am out and about, but at home(*or close friends and family*) and over night I love them! They don't crease and cut into my babies thighs as much as other diapers, he is alot more comfy in them. I haven't had any problems flushing them, and sometimes I just throw them away like normal diapers knowing they will just compost at the dump. My son is 12 days old and the inserts work wonderfully for his pee and poop. The other day he spit up and it got on his gdiaper so I threw it in the wash with the snap in and all and it came out just fine!Hope this helps!

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answers from Lexington on

I got a starter kit at Wild Oats and by halfway through decided that if I was going to expend that much energy tearing, shaking, flushing, etc for every single diaper that I might as well just go ahead and cloth diaper. If you're getting into gDiapers for environmental reasons, think about all the water you're wasting with every single flush, not to mention the material it's made out of, plus the packaging for the expensive inserts. However, if you like them, you can compost them for a garden and that was cool I thought.

They don't seem to be as absorbent as disposable or CDs either. We had several blowouts up the back, though I've NEVER had a blowout with our CDs. Also, They didn't wick well....I had to change my daughter every time she urinated - every hour or less, as opposed to disposables or CD at every two to three.

Once you take the gDipe step, you're alot closer to CD'ing than you think. I actually went from the inserts to chinese prefolds, which, again, I liked better than the inserts, but got to use the adorable covers! Now we're solely using bumGenius dipes, tho.

If you decide you don't like the gDipes, they're easy to recycle to someone else on ebay as they're VERY popular.

Good luck!

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answers from Cleveland on

Hi L.,
We used the gdiapers w/ my son (thought they'd be better for the environment than disposables). My advice is to make sure you really swirl them around in the toilet before flushing, or you'll clog the toilet. I don't remember how many swirls it recommended, but i did more. Also, when we were out at friends houses, I'd often just put the used pee insert into a baggy and wait to flush it until I got home. I was really afraid of dealing w/ clogging someone else's toilet. But, honestly, once we figured out how many swirls it took, we didn't have any more problems.
Hope that helps!
PS. The sometimes you need a different size than the size/weight chart recommends--my son's legs were alittle chubby and we had to go up to the next size because the area around the legs was too tight.
Good Luck!

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answers from Columbus on

I love these diapers. a friend of mine got me a starter kit and i feel in love with them. i do not always flush them as i have a private septic and it recommends that i flush the poop and toss the pee diapers. which is what i mostly do. even if you toss them all they still are tons better than regular diapers. i do not believe that they are that difficult to use and once you get the hang of it they are great. alwyas have the other gdiaper ready to go, it makes changes much easier! i also love that they do not leave such nasty marks on my daughters legs like regilar ones...they fit more like underwear i think! anyway that is my piece, you can always give them a try! good luck!

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