I have been through it all with my youngest. He is probably a worse case scenerio so don't panic from what I say. My oldest was easy he was tubes in the ear simple fix. Now my youngest is the worst case scenerio like I said.He had multiple ear infections which caused fluid. so he refered us to an ent who did tubes.He still couldn't hear. Like he was totally unresponsive to anyone but his dad and didn't respond to his dad very often. He wouldn't respond to us clapping behind him or banging stuff.
Now he does have hearing loss. at this time we don't know if it is permant or temporary. Which ear it is in we aren't sure of yet. We did do a hearing test he wouldn't cooperate with so we are going to have to do an abr. Which is they sedate them and do an hearing test to see how the brain responds to noises. They recommend tubes after 5 infections in one year. My oldest the surgery was fine but he acted drunk for about 3 hours cause of the sedation they gave him. My youngest was in and out sooner but there is a 19 yr age gap between them. My youngest sons sedation wore off quicker. He was total hell when they brought him out. He was fighting and I almost dropped him 3 times trying to keep him from raring back on me. Like I said he is a worse case scenerio.
Now I went to a diffrent pediatrician cause we moved. We had to go through 3 rounds of back to back antibiotics to get his infection after the tubes cleared up. the third round was a double antibiotic. We finally got his infections down and found out there was a ball of wax blocking his tube. We got some of that cleaned out not all of it cause he was fighting so bad. He could hear after that but not to the degree a normal child will. He has an ent appt in a couple of weeks.we are going to do the abr then, see about replacing his tubes with a new set and have his adnoids and tonsils removed. He is going to get an allergy test then.
I have been told chiropractors are good on ear problems but I didn't see any change in my ds. I was told to prop him on several pillows this does seem to help. I have cut out his milk until we get to the ent and find out where to go from there. I have him on a nightly allergy medication which I believe helps him more than anything else. So for my son it is to early to tell if the hearing loss is permanant or temporary. I won't know that until we do the abr. I also have my son on a decongestant. which is one thing my oldest sons doctor did with him.
from my experience I would highly suggest the allergy meds your doctor perscribed and the nasal sprays. I would also suggest propping him at night. I would reduce his milk until you can ask the ent if he wants him completely off of it.
Just for a side note I talked to one girl on the internet her son was hard of hearing and also non responsive to noise. come to find out he had fluid on his ears from when he was born. some of the amniotic fluid got in his ear canal and blocked it. They thought he was going to be profoundly deaf in both ears till the ent figured out what the cause was. He was normal within 2 weeks of having it removed. so do not panic. There are still alot of options that you may not even know about. There is other possible surgeries if necessary to restore his hearing.
Go to the ent but also go to the chiropractor. Just cause it didn't help my kid doesnt mean it won't help your kid. A lot of mothers had good results from it. Like I said my son is one of the worst case scenerios. There is one other mother on here who has had more problems with her daughters ears than I have had with my son but her daughter is older. We are the worst possible outcomes. Most are healed by the tube surgery alone like my oldest was.