I had severe sinus infection last year and this year. Last year my doc gave an ear lavage kettle and it worked.
this year it was not so easy I purchased some swabs and peroxide and proceeded to clean out both ears. fIRST THE LEFT EAR- A HUGE WAD OF WAX JAMMED AGAINT THE DRUM THE KIT I BOUGHT ALSO HAD A LONG THING WITH A CIRCLED HEAD FOR PULLING THE WAS OUT. I only succeeded in pushing the large blob of ear wax further into the canal where it firmly "glued " itself to the eardrum. I discovered that I had lost 80% of my hearing in thatLEFT ear. And also succeeded in pushing a large blog of was up against the RIGHT EARDRUM ON THE OTHER SIDE.
It was a miserable condition-I truly feel sorry for people who have lost their hearing. I called my Internist and his nurse successfully lavaged the left ear and then for 5-10 minutes she kept loosening the blob with her little "pickax" and finaly she loosened it and my ear popped, and she was able to pull the huge piece out. I could hear perfectly from that ear. THen she went to the right hear and did the same thing, but it was large and had glued itself to the drum the nurse could not get to it and also because that ear was painful as though an infection had made it raw. The doc came in and lavaged the ear, and said he was going to coax it out. It took about 5 minutes and he pulled it away from the drum- he had to go get a different instrument. The new instrument drew the large blob out of the right ear. WHen I saw it the thing looked as old as Moses. It had black in the center and it was as hard as a rock. This ear had been burning off and on for years. I would take antibiotics and then it would be ok.
Now both my ears are clean and would highly recommend that everyone go and get an ear lavage. Please do not try to clean your ears with q-tips they push large blobs of earwax further in and could cause the loss of hearing (as it did to me) I went home and that night (all night) my right ear burned like someone had put a hot poker in it. I believe the blob had been there for years maybe since childhood. And it attached itself deep into the ear drum. THe burning was a gift because the doc had really done his job and he told me, if you have any more trouble call me right away. I think he knew it was going to be testy.
good luck and please go to a doctor don't use otc ear cleaners,
Been there , done that
M. Beth Joseph