I was all set to give my son the regular shot last year, and then my pediatrician gave me some info that changed my mind. First, in adults, only about 40-60% of flu shots given actually work. Second, the CDC recommends the flu shot as a money-saving thing...it's more expensive to treat one kid for an infection caused by the flu than it is to vaccinate 100 kids. Third, there are no studies to determine side effects in kids, and they DO occur and can be bad (guillan-barre syndrome is one of them). Fourth, a flu shot only gives you immunity for one season and only for the exact 3 flu types in the shot. Getting the flu gives you lifetime immunity to the particular strain that infects you. Fifth, the kids that die from the regular flu are ALMOST always those with other medical issues (asthma, cerebral palsy, immune disorders,etc). So, I concluded with his help that healthy kids really don't need it, but kids with other problems do.
However, the H1N1 is a different animal and I will probably go ahead and vaccinate for that one. My pediatrician agress on that one. Hope this helps.