I know how you feel. I have 3 cats and had a huge flea problem. If you go to www.BestNest.com, there is a product called "the ultimate flea trap". What it is and does is this... Its a round container, electric, with a "hood" on it. In the hood is a nightlight. On the bottom is sticky paper. The fleas are attracted to the light, they jump to the light, fall onto the sticky paper, and stay there. I had a huge infestation a few years back, and bought one for each room in my house and the basement. Within 2 weeks, most of the fleas were gone!!! I had so many fleas on the sticky pads that I had to change the pad after 4 days. I also treated the cats with Frontline, or Advantage flea product. I still treat them because they do get outside once in a while. And I still use the flea traps as prevention to another infestation. I still catch a few fleas, and have never had one jumping on me since I started using the product around 2 years ago.
I think they are around $15 each,and you can buy refills of sticky pads, but they are way less expensive than calling the exterminator. Good luck with getting rid of the pesky little things. they are nasty!
You can also bath the cats and dogs in DAWN dishwashing liquid. My vet told me about that one. It works like a charm. If you make the water warm, and go gently with them, you CAN bathe them without too much mess. It would help to have an assistant when you do it. I did it to all three of my cats, then put the Frontline on them and did the trap thing and it's all been good.