hi D. :) i think amber s. gives the best advice in this situation.
I am interested in starting to wean my 10 month old. I still want to nurse her three times a day (breakfast, lunch and bedtime) until a year, but lately it seems like she is regressing to wanting to nurse a tiny bit to fall asleep for naps. She has always been a "poor" napper, crying a lot before falling asleep, but for the past couple of weeks it has been worse. I know she is tired because if I nurse her, she falls asleep right away. I don't want to mess with formula, and her doc said I could give her whole milk at 10 months. Could I give her a little whole milk in her sippy cup with her morning and afternoon snack as opposed to nursing her at snack? Any opinions as to if this is a good idea or will help?
hi D. :) i think amber s. gives the best advice in this situation.
Amber did say it all pretty good. I was going to say... I started to wean my first at 10 months only one feeding at a time and replaced that feeding with a sippy or bottle. it took me about two months to wean completely off all feedings. It went well for me at that time. My next two kids were completely different. Good luck, I hope it goes well.
10 months is just a little early to start weaning, unless you plan on supplementing with formula. Babies need the nutrients from breastmilk/formula until they are at least 1 year old. Whole cow's milk isn't the same and won't provide the same nutrients your daughter needs. You could start introducing milk, but it should only be a little to start, in addition to breastfeeding, and should not take the place of regular nursing sessions.
Slowly start introducing cow's milk into her diet. If you haven't already, start with things like yogurt & cheese, then small amounts of milk. You can mix your breastmilk or formula with cow's milk in the beginning to get her tastebuds and her tummy adjusted to the change slowly. She probably won't like the taste of cow's milk right away, it might take some time for her to like it, and she might have some tummy aches in the beginning too. Just take it slowly.
When you do wean, cut out one nursing session at a time. I started with the ones that seemed to be the least important. Then after several more days to a week later, I'd take away another session, until I was just left with Morning, Noon, and before bed time nursing... then I cut out the noon... then morning, and lastly nighttime. Do what works best for you and your daughter.
I don't see anything wrong with your suggestion. As long as she is still getting your milk at the major feedings, if your doctor has said it is ok, then let her have a little milk while she is falling asleep. It is better to ween slowly for both you and the baby and that means starting to back off of those feedings now. My second was exclussively breastfed because she refused a bottle and at about 10 months we started cutting back exactly like you said. Cut out the "snacks" then another month or so, take out a feeding. My daughter was completely weened 2 weeks before her first birthday and we never did a bottle or formula.
Sounds like this is a great plan to start introducing the cow's milk slowly and avoid a sleep crutch. Good luck!
I think you should try the sippy cup a couple times a day. You might want to try the Nubi brand as it is soft. Don't be surprised if she won't take the milk. Do warm it up just a bit because the coldness really turns them off.
I never breastfed my daughter but I had switched her to a sippy cup for most of her meals at 6 months and weaned her to regular milk at 10 months and she has been fine. the first couple of times she tried regular milk she spit it out or spit up a little. but she adjusted and does just fine now. so if you think she is ready go for it.